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Life is full of transformative moments.  Change can be happy and exciting or messy and complicated.   Sometimes it can be full of anxiety and sadness.  It may be helpful to have someone at your side supporting you during this time. Someone who will spend time with you, help you rediscover your inner strength and challenge you to step out of your safety zone and into growth.  Most of our challenges come from our everyday life - mapping out a career change, moving to a new city, strengthening stress management skills, navigating a breakup/divorce or grieving a loss.​

​Therapy will help you do the following: Identify, understand, and change unhelpful behaviors; stop avoiding people, places, and things so that you can re-engage your life in a meaningful way; learn and implement practical skills to reduce and manage constant worrying; develop healthier, more effective ways of coping; face your fears; and live a fuller life.


The therapy process is focused on helping you determine and refine what's important to you, develop concrete goals based on this, and work toward these goals in a measurable and consistent way. Helping you see realistic, meaningful improvements is the consistent theme of my work.



​Therapy is a safe place where you can feel free to express your feelings.  You will not be judged. Because it’s a safe place, you don't have to talk about anything you're not ready to talk about, or do anything you don't want to do.  This is your time.  We go at your pace.


I only ask that you commit and give it your best effort. 


As Mark Twain said,

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails".


"Explore. Dream. Discover.”

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